Journal Articles
*co-first, +corresponding
34. Rossy, T.*, Schwendeman, L.*, Bawa, M., Umashankar, P., and Raman, R.+, (2024). Leveraging microtopography to pattern multi-oriented muscle actuators. BioRxiv Preprint. +corresponding
33. Rivnay, J, Raman, R., Robinson, J.T., Schreib, C., Cohen-Karni, T., Galloway, K.E., and Veiseh, O., (2025). Integrating bioelectronics with cell-based synthetic biology. Nature Reviews Bioengineering.
32. Garcia-Gonzalez, D., Raman, R., Schurle, S., and Tay, A.K.P., (2024). Magnetic actuation for mechanomedicine. Advanced Intelligent Systems.
31. Bu, A., Afghah, F., Castro, N., Bawa, M., Kohli, S., Shah, K., Rios, B., Butty, V., and Raman, R.+, (2024). Actuating extracellular matrices decouple the mechanical and biochemical effects of muscle contraction on motor neurons. Advanced Healthcare Materials. *Cover, +corresponding || MIT News Feature
30. Bawa, M., Raman, R.+, (2024). Taking control: steering the future of biohybrid robots. Science Robotics. +corresponding
29. Raman, R.+, (2024). Pedagogy in bioengineering: pipettes, practice and patience. Nature Reviews Bioengineering. +corresponding
28. Raman, R.+ and Laschi, C.+, (2024). Soft robotics for human health. Device, 2(7). +corresponding
27. Raman, R.+, (2024). Biofabrication of living actuators. Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering, 26(1), pp.223-245. +corresponding
26. Hatano, R., Smith, A., Raman, R., Zamora, J.E., Bashir, R., and McCloskey, K.E., (2024). Comparing fabrication techniques for engineered cardiac tissue. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part A.
25. Lynch, N.*, Castro, N*, Sheehan, T., Rosado, L., Rios, B., Culpepper, M., and Raman, R.+, (2024). Enhancing and decoding the performance of muscle actuators with flexures. Advanced Intelligent Systems. *Cover, +corresponding || MIT News Feature
24. Rios, B.*, Bu, A.*, Sheehan, T., Kobeissi, H., Kohli, S., Shah, K., Lejeune, E., and Raman, R.+, (2023). Mechanically programming anisotropy in engineered muscle with actuating extracellular matrices. Device, 1(4). *Cover, +corresponding || Github || MIT News Feature
23. Rousseau, R.*, Raman, R.*,+ , Tamir, T.*, Bu, A., Srinivasan, S., Lynch, N., Langer, R., White, F.M., and Cima, M.J., (2023). Actuated tissue engineered muscle grafts restore functional mobility after volumetric muscle loss. Biomaterials, 302, p.122317. *co-first, +corresponding || MIT News Feature
22. Filippi, M., Yasa, O., Kamm, R.D., Raman, R., and Katzschmann, R., (2022). Will microfluidics enable functionally integrated bio-hybrid robots? Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 119(35), p.e2200741119.
21. Aydin, O.*, Passaro, A*., Raman, R.*, Spellicy, S.*, Weinberg, R.P., Kamm, R.D., Sample, M., Truskey, G.A., Zartman, J., Dar, R.D., Palacios, S., Wang, J., Tordoff, J., Montserrat, N., Bashir, R., Saif, M.T.A., and Weiss, R., (2022). Principles for the design of multicellular engineered living systems. APL Bioengineering, 6(1). *co-first
20. Raman, R.+, (2021). Engineered neuromuscular actuators for medicine, meat, and machines. MRS Bulletin, 46(6), pp.522-533.
19. Aguado, B., …, Raman, R.,… and Cranford, S., 2021. 35 challenges in materials science being tackled by PIs under 35(ish) in 2021. Matter, 4(12), pp.3804-3810. +corresponding
18. Raman, R.*, Rousseau, E.B.*, Wade, M., Tong, A., Cotler, M.J., Kuang, J., Lugo, A.A., Zhang, E., Graybiel, A.M., White, F.M., Langer, R., and Cima, M., (2020). Platform for micro-invasive membrane-free biochemical sampling of brain interstitial fluid. Science Advances, 6(39), p.eabb0657. *co-first
17. Raman, R., Hua, T., Gwynne, D., Collins, J., Tamang, S., Soares, V., Esfandiary, T., Zhou, J., Pajovic, S., Hayward, A., Langer, R., and Traverso, G., (2019). Light-degradable hydrogels as dynamic triggers in gastrointestinal applications. Science Advances, 6(3), p.eaay0065. || MIT News Feature
16. Raman, R.+ and Langer, R., (2019). Biohybrid Design Gets Personal: New Materials for Patient-Specific Therapy. Advanced Materials, 32(13), p.1901969. *Cover +corresponding
15. Raman, R.+, 2019. Modeling muscle: A biohybrid machine offers insight into muscle growth, adaptation, and repair. Science, 363(6431). *Sartorius & Science Prize Essay +corresponding
14. Grant, L.*, Raman, R.*, Cvetkovic, C., Ferrall-Fairbanks, M.C., Pagan Diaz, G. Hadley, P., Platt, M.O., and Bashir, R., (2018). Long-term cryopreservation and revival of tissue engineered skeletal muscle. Tissue Engineering: Part A, 25(13-14), pp.1023-1036. *co-first
13. Raman, R., Cvetkovic, C., and Bashir, R., 2017. A Modular Approach to Design, Fabrication, and Characterization of Muscle-Powered Biological Machines. Nature Protocols, 12(3), pp.519-533. *Cover
12. Raman, R., Grant, L., Seo, Y., Cvetkovic, C., Gapinske, M., Palasz, A., Dabbous, H., Kong, H., Perez-Pinera, P., and Bashir, R., 2017. Damage, Healing and Remodeling in Optogenetic Skeletal Muscle Bioactuators. Advanced Healthcare Materials. 6(12). *Cover
11. Cvetkovic, C., Rich, M.H., Raman, R., Kong, H., and Bashir, R., 2017. A 3D-Printed Platform for Modular Neuromuscular Motor Units. Microsystems and Nanoengineering. 3, pp. 17015.
10. Ricotti, L., Trimmer, B., Feinberg, A.W., Raman, R., Parker, K.K., Bashir, R., Sitti, M., Martel, S., Dario, P., and Menciassi, A., 2017. Biohybrid actuators for robotics: A review of devices actuated by living cells. Science Robotics, 2(12).
9. Raman, R.+ and Bashir, R., 2017. Biomimicry, Biofabrication, and Biohybrid Systems: The Emergence and Evolution of Biological Design. Advanced Healthcare Materials. +corresponding
8. Raman, R., Mitchell, M., Perez-Pinera, P., Bashir, R., and Destefano, L., 2016. Design and Integration of a Problem-Based Biofabrication Course into an Undergraduate Biomedical Engineering Curriculum. Journal of Biological Engineering, 10(1), pp.10-18.
7. Raman, R., Cvetkovic, C., Uzel, S.G.M., Platt, R.J., Sengupta, P., Kamm, R.D., and Bashir, R., 2016. Optogenetic skeletal muscle-powered adaptive biological machines. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(13), pp.3497-3502.
6. Raman, R.*, Clay, N.E.*, Sen, S., Melhem, M., Qin, E., Kong, H., and Bashir, R., 2016. 3D Printing Enables Separation of Orthogonal Functions within a Hydrogel Particle. Biomedical Microdevices, 18(3), pp.1-7. *co-first
5. Raman, R., Bhaduri, B., Mir, M., Shkumatov, A., Lee, M.K., Popescu, G., Kong, H., and Bashir, R., 2015. High‐Resolution Projection Microstereolithography for Patterning of Neovasculature. Advanced Healthcare Materials, 5(5). *Cover
4. Neiman, J.A.S., Raman, R., Chan, V., Rhoads, M.G., Raredon, M.S.B., Velazquez, J.J., Dyer, R.L., Bashir, R., Hammond, P.T., and Griffith, L.G., 2015. Photopatterning of hydrogel scaffolds coupled to filter materials using stereolithography for perfused 3D culture of hepatocytes. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 112(4), pp.777-787.
3. Cvetkovic, C.*, Raman, R.*, Chan, V., Williams, B.J., Tolish, M., Bajaj, P., Sakar, M.S., Asada, H.H., Saif, M.T.A., and Bashir, R., 2014. Three-dimensionally printed biological machines powered by skeletal muscle. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 111(28), pp.10125-10130. *co-first
2. Chan, V., Raman, R., Cvetkovic, C., and Bashir, R., 2013. Enabling microscale and nanoscale approaches for bioengineered cardiac tissue. ACS Nano, 7(3), pp.1830-1837.
1. Dorvel, B., Damhorst, G., Chan, V., Shim, J., Banerjee, S., Cvetkovic, C., Raman, R., and Bashir, R., 2013. Research Highlights: Highlights from the last year in nanomedicine. Nanomedicine, 8(1), pp.13-15.
2. Raman, R. Biofabrication. MIT Press.
1. Raman, R. and Bashir, R. “Stereolithographic 3D Bioprinting for Biomedical Applications”, 3D Biofabrication for Biomedical and Translational Research, 2015.
3. Raman, R., Culpepper, M., Lynch, N., Rosado, L., and Castro, N., The Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Compliant mechanism for enhancing and/or decoding performance of tissues. Provisional Application No. 63/571,325.
2. Issued: Bashir, R., Raman, R., and Cvetkovic, C., The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, 2021. Muscle-powered biological machines. U.S. Patent No. 10,906,169.
1. Issued: Bashir, R., Chan, V., Raman, R., and Cvetkovic, C., The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, 2018. Locomotive biological machines. U.S. Patent No. 10,156,560.
Doctoral Dissertation
Raman, R., “3D Printed Muscle-Powered Bio-Bots“, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2016.
Masters Thesis
Raman, R., “3D Microfabrication of Biological Machines“, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2013.